Sale Results

Results of the 20th Coonamble Dohne Ram Production Sale - Wednesday 11th September 2024

Results of the 20th Coonamble Production Sale - Wednesday 11th September 2024

Rams offered: 68

Rams sold: 68 

Top Price: Lot 29 - $5,600 

Average Price: $1,976.47

The top price ram Lot 29 sold...

Results of the 6th Caroonboon Merino Ram Sale - Wanganella NSW - 6th September 2024

Rams sold: 55 

Top Price: Lot 1 - $5,500

Average Price: $1,752.68

The top price ram Lot 1 sold to North Bundy Pastoral, Booroorban NSW

Volume buyers:

IC & KL Gibson PL,  Moulamein NSW


Results of the 10th Southern Dohne Sale Wanganella - Thursday 12th October 2023

Results of the Southern Dohne Production Sale Wanganella  - Thursday 12th October 2023

Rams offered: 54

Rams sold: 46

Top Price: $2,800

Average Price: $1,463.04

Top Price ram was purchased by Bruce Peat of...

Results of the 19th Coonamble Production Ram Sale

Results of the 19th Coonamble Production Sale - Wednesday 13th September 2023
Rams offered: 56
Rams sold: 56
Top Price: $4,000.00
Average Price: $1,316.00
Lot 1 topped at $4,000 and was purchased by Macada...


The Results of the 5th Caroonboon Merino Ram Sale Wanganella - Friday 8th September 2023
Held Caroonboon Station, Wanganella NSW
Rams Offered: 78 Rams
Rams Sold:  68 Rams
Top Price: $3,2502
Average Price:...

Results of the 9th Southern Production Ram Sale Results - Thursday 6th October 2022

Results of the 2022 Southern Production Sale Results Wanganella Thursday 6th October 2022
Offered: 77
Sold: 77
13 Calga Rams Sold
Average Price: $2,676.92
Top Price: $5,200
51 DD Rams Sold
Average Price: $2,296.08
Top: $5,200
13 Uardry Rams Sold
Average: $1,892.31
Top Price: $5,000

Results of the 18th Coonamble Production Sale - Wednesday 14th September 2022

Rams Offered: 50 Rams
Rams Sold: 50 Rams
Top Price: $6,000
Lot 4 was sired by CA190729 and had a Dohne Plus index of 206.9%
He was in the top 5% of the breed in...

The Results of the 4th Caroonboon Merino Sale Wanganella - held Friday 9th September 2022.

The 4th Caroonboon Merino Sale was held Friday 9th September 2022 at Caroonboon Station.
Rams Offered: 72 Rams 
Rams Sold:  72 Rams 
Top Price Ram: $8,000
Lot 1, was sired by Caroonboon James 181395 and...

Results of the 17th Coonamble Production Sale Wed 15th Sept 2021

Rams Offered. 78 rams
Sold. 78 rams
Registered Buyers.
Top Price.  $4,400, Lot 74 UC200609 purchased by MJ & SL Webb 'Miagunyah' Warrumbungle NSW 2828
Average Price.   $1,638.46

Bulk Buyers.
PB & MJ Cosgrove
MJ & SL Webb

Results of the 3rd Caroonboon Merino Ram Sale - Wanganella - Friday 10th September 2021

Rams Offered. 75
Rams Sold. 75
Average Price.  $2,404.00 up from 2020 average of $1,715.13.
Top Price Ram.  $6,400. Lot 2 purchased by Ian Lilburne, Saltbush Merino Stud, Hay NSW

Bulk Buyers.
Merritop Pastoral, Hay NSW

Results of the 16th Coonamble Production Ram Sale Wed 16th Sept 2020

Calga Rams Offered. 73
Rams Sold. 73
Registered Buyers. 21

Top Price: $4,000 was the top price ram at the Coonamble September Sale purchased by Timbie, Yeoval NSW
Average: $2,373.97

Volume Buyers.
Malcolm & Susie Webb, 'Miagunyah' Warrumbungle NSW...

Results of the 8th Production Ram Sale Thurs 3rd October 2020

The 7th Southern Production Sale held for the sixth time at Caroonboon Station  Wanganella, attracted a good crowd with  buyers registered from NSW, VIC, and SA. 

Total offered.  83
Rams Sold. 83
Registered Buyers: 18


Results of the 7th Southern Production Sale held Thursday1st October 2020

83 rams offered 83 sold

Top Price $4,750.00 Lot 3 DJ190041 purchased by Coonong Station Urana NSW, weighed in at 101kgs, indexing at 158.8%, PWT 3.0, PFAT 0.4, YCFW 7.8, YFD...

Results of the 2nd Caroonboon Merino Sale - Wanganella - Tuesday 8th September 2020

Top Price $3,800 up from last year by $1,050
Average Price $1,715.20 up from last year by $230.20
Lots offered 77
Lots Sold 76
Registered buyers 16 

This years auctions was interfaced with Auctionsplus.

Results of the 7th Southern Production Sale held Thursday 3rd October 2019

The top price of $5,000  was paid for Lot 1, UC174990  at the Southern Production  Sale. The  ram  was an ex Uardry Stud sire purchased by AN & MA Boatman...

Results of the 15th Coonamble Production Sale held Wednesday 18th September 2019

$3,600 was the top price ram at the Coonamble September Sale purchased by Macada Rural.The average price was  $1,455.94.

65 rams were offered with 51 sold.

Bulk buyers were MJ & SL...

Results of the 1st Merino Production Sale held Tuesday 10th September 2019

Top Price: $2,750
Average price $1,485
75 rams were offered with 71 rams sold.

Results of 14th Coonamble Production Ram Sale held Wednesday 19th September 2018

Considering the extremely dry conditions the 14th Coonamble  Production Sale, there was strong support from  12 registered buyers from NSW and VIC. Buyers from 3 Dohne Studs were in attendance...

Results of 13th Coonamble Production Ram Sale held Monday 18th September 2017

The 13th Coonamble   Production Sale attracted a good crowd with more than 20 buyers registered from all parts of NSW, VIC and WA. It was very pleasing to see...

Results of 12th Coonamble Production Ram Sale held Wednesday 14th September 2016

The 12th Coonamble   Production Sale attracted a good crowd with more than 20 buyers registered from all parts of NSW, VIC and WA. It was very pleasing to see...

Results of 11th Coonamble Production Ram Sale held Wednesday 16th September 2015

The 11th Coonamble   Production Sale attracted a good crowd with more than 20 buyers registered from all parts of NSW, VIC and WA. It was very pleasing to see...

Results of 10th Coonamble Production Ram Sale held Wednesday 17th September 2014

The first offering of Uardry rams at the Coonamble   Production Sale attracted a good crowd with more than 20 buyers registered from all parts of NSW, VIC and WA.


Results of 9th Calga Production Ram Sale held Wednesday 18th September 2013

Rams Offered. 134
Rams Sold. 114
Average. $1,151.00
Top Price. $3,000.00
                  MJ&S Webb Miagunyah Warrumbungles.
                  JG& BA Witts...